Year | Title | Genre |
2021 | Castillo Interior stīgu trio | Chamber music – Trio |
2019 | “Katra diena simtgadē. Gadalaiki” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2019 | ”Ilmārs Blumbergs” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2019 | Sestais stīgu kvartets | Chamber music – Quartet |
2018 | “Bille” | Movie and theater music – Feature film |
2018 | “Cosa devo fare” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
2018 | “Tēvu zeme” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
2018 | Hymnus ērģelēm | Keyboard instruments – Organ |
2018 | Koncerts obojai un orķestrim | Solo instrument and orchestra – Wind instrument |
2018 | Veni Domine jauktam korim un ērģelēm | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2017 | “Mūsu kalni” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
2017 | “Vasaras dejas” divām vijolēm | Chamber music – Duet |
2017 | ”Meklējot Tisē” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2017 | Dona nobis pacem jauktam korim un pūtēju orķestrim | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2016 | “Mein Herr und mein Gott” jauktam korim un stīginstrumentu orķestrim | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2016 | “Lūgšana Latvijai” jauktam korim un ērģelēm | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2016 | “Lūgšana Latvijai” jauktam korim un klavierēm | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2016 | “Lūgšana Latvijai” jauktam korim un pūtēju orķestrim | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2016 | “Mazā vasaras mūzika” flautai un klavierēm | Chamber music – Duet |
2016 | ”Musica Serena. Komponists Pēteris Vasks” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2016 | Da pacem, Domine jauktam korim un stīginstrumentu orķestrim | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2016 | Laudate Dominum korim un lielam orķestrim | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2015 | “Dieva putniņi” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2015 | Koncerts altam un stīginstrumentu orķestrim | Solo instrument and orchestra – Viola |
2015 | Musica serena stīginstrumentu orķestrim | Orchestral music – String orchestra |
2014 | “Kur palika tēvi” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2014 | “Lūgšana Latvijai” jauktam korim un stīginstrumentu orķestrim | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2014 | “The Fruit of Silence” jauktam korim un stīginstrumentu orķestrim | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2013 | “Mīlas dziesmas” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
2013 | “The Fruit of Silence” jauktam korim | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
2013 | “The Fruit of Silence” jauktam korim un klavierēm | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2013 | “The Fruit of Silence” klavieru kvintetam | Chamber music – Quintet |
2013 | “The Fruit of Silence” stīgu kvartetam | Chamber music – Quartet |
2013 | Castillo Interior vijolei un čellam | Chamber music – Duet |
2013 | Viatore 11 stīginstrumentālistiem | Chamber music – Sextet and more instruments |
2012 | “Mazā vasaras mūzika” altam un klavierēm | Chamber music – Duet |
2012 | “Latviešu deja” | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
2012 | “Liepa” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
2012 | “Maršruts: Ķekava – Omskas apgabals” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2012 | Koncerts čellam un stīginstrumentu orķestrim “Klātbūtne” | Solo instrument and orchestra – Cello |
2011 | “Lord, open our eyes” jauktam korim un stīginstrumentu orķestrim | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2011 | “Plainscapes” vijolei, čellam un klavierēm | Chamber music – Trio |
2011 | “Sibīrijas bilance” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2010 | “Piemini Sibīriju I” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2010 | Epifania stīginstrumentu orķestrim | Orchestral music – String orchestra |
2010 | Musique du soir čellam un ērģelēm | Chamber music – Duet |
2009 | “Agapitova un izglābtie” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2009 | “Vasaras vakara mūzika” klavierēm | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
2009 | Credo orķestrim | Orchestral music – Symphony orchestra |
2009 | Fantāzija vijolei un stīginstrumentiem Vox amoris | Solo instrument and orchestra – Violin |
2008 | “Igarka, Cerība un Taurenis” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2008 | “Piedzimšana” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
2008 | “Zaļā ainava” klavierēm | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
2008 | Koncerts flautai un orķestrim | Solo instrument and orchestra – Wind instrument |
2006 | “Ceļš uz ticību” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2006 | Canto di forza ērģelēm | Keyboard instruments – Organ |
2006 | Simfoniskā elēģija “Sala” orķestrim | Orchestral music – Symphony orchestra |
2005 | “Priežu bērni” | Movie and theater music – Feature film |
2005 | Canto di forza 12 čelliem | Chamber music – Sextet and more instruments |
2005 | Trešā simfonija lielam orķestrim | Orchestral music – Symphony orchestra |
2004 | “Zīles ziņa” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
2004 | Piektais stīgu kvartets | Chamber music – Quartet |
2003 | “Bass Trip” kontrabasam solo | Chamber music – Solo |
2003 | “Mūsu māšu vārdi” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
2003 | “Sibīrijas dienasgrāmatas” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2002 | “Kvadrātsakne no divi. 7 lidojumi” | Movie and theater music – Feature film |
2002 | Musica appassionata stīginstrumentu orķestrim | Orchestral music – String orchestra |
2002 | Viatore ērģelēm | Keyboard instruments – Organ |
2002 | Vokalīze jauktam korim, vijolei un čellam “Līdzenuma ainavas” | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2001 | “Sibīrijas bērni” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
2001 | Kvartets vijolei, altam, čellam un klavierēm | Chamber music – Quartet |
2001 | Mesa jauktam korim un ērģelēm | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2001 | Viatore stīginstrumentu orķestrim (Hommage à Arvo Pärt) | Orchestral music – String orchestra |
2000 | Mesa jauktam korim a cappella | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
2000 | Mesa jauktam korim un stīginstrumentu orķestrim | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
2000 | Pater noster jauktam korim un stīgu orķestrim | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
1999 | “Vientuļais eņgelis” | Chamber music – Trio |
1999 | Ceturtais stīgu kvartets | Chamber music – Quartet |
1999 | Meditācija vijolei un stīginstrumentu orķestrim “Vientuļais eņģelis” | Solo instrument and orchestra – Violin |
1999 | Otrā simfonija lielam orķestrim | Orchestral music – Symphony orchestra |
1997 | Dona nobis pacem jauktam korim un ērģelēm | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
1997 | Dona nobis pacem jauktam korim un septiņiem instrumentiem | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
1997 | Koncerts vijolei un stīginstrumentu orķestrim “Tālā gaisma” | Solo instrument and orchestra – Violin |
1997 | Vokalīze sešām solobalsīm un sieviešu korim “Balsis klusumā” | Vocal music – Women's choir |
1996 | “Sātanisks stāsts. Pūķa ola” | Movie and theater music – Feature film |
1996 | Adagio stīginstrumentu orķestrim no Musica adventus | Orchestral music – String orchestra |
1996 | Dona nobis pacem jauktam korim un stīginstrumentiem | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
1996 | Musica adventus stīginstrumentu orķestrim (pēc Trešā stīgu kvarteta) | Orchestral music – String orchestra |
1995 | “Pavasara mūzika” quasi una sonata klavierēm | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
1995 | “Trīs Česlava Miloša poēmas” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1995 | Pater noster jauktam korim a cappella | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1995 | Trešais stīgu kvartets | Chamber music – Quartet |
1994 | Koncerts čellam un orķestrim | Solo instrument and orchestra – Cello |
1993 | “Litene” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1992 | “Izdegušās zemes ainavas” fantāzija klavierēm | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
1992 | “Pēteris Vasks” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
1992 | Sonāte flautai (arī altflautai) solo | Chamber music – Solo |
1991 | Pirmā simfonija “Balsis” stīginstrumentiem | Orchestral music – String orchestra |
1991 | Te Deum ērģelēm | Keyboard instruments – Organ |
1990 | “Savā tautā” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1990 | “Vientulības sonāte” ģitārai solo | Chamber music – Solo |
1990 | “Vilkaču mantiniece” | Movie and theater music – Feature film |
1989 | “Ilmārs un Marina” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
1989 | “Mazliet par tēvu” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
1989 | “Varonis” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1989 | “Zemgale” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1989 | Koncerts angļu ragam un orķestrim | Solo instrument and orchestra – Wind instrument |
1988 | “Sižeta pagrieziens” | Movie and theater music – Feature film |
1988 | Musica seria ērģelēm | Keyboard instruments – Organ |
1988 | Musique du soir mežragam un ērģelēm vai klavierēm | Chamber music – Duet |
1987 | “Bruņurupuči” | Movie and theater music – Television animated film |
1987 | “Pavasara sonāte” divām vijolēm, diviem altiem un diviem čelliem | Chamber music – Sextet and more instruments |
1987 | Kamerkantāte “Latvija” | Vocal music – Solo voice and instruments |
1987 | Žans Rasins “Andromahe” | Movie and theater music – Theater music |
1986 | Lauda orķestrim | Orchestral music – Symphony orchestra |
1986 | Sonāte kontrabasam solo | Chamber music – Solo |
1985 | “Episodi e Canto perpetuo” vijolei, čellam un klavierēm | Chamber music – Trio |
1985 | “Latvijas dižozoli” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
1985 | “Mazā vasaras mūzika” vijolei un klavierēm | Chamber music – Duet |
1984 | “Krišjānis Barons” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
1984 | “Trīs latviešu tautasdziesmas” | Vocal music – Solo voice and instruments |
1984 | “Vasaras dziedājumi” sešām vijolēm | Chamber music – Sextet and more instruments |
1984 | Cantus ad pacem ērģelēm | Keyboard instruments – Organ |
1984 | Otrais stīgu kvartets “Vasaras dziedājumi” | Chamber music – Quartet |
1983 | Musica dolorosa stīginstrumentu orķestrim | Orchestral music – String orchestra |
1982 | “Mūzika aizgājušam draugam” pūšaminstrumentu kvintetam | Chamber music – Quintet |
1982 | “Pieskārieni” obojai solo | Chamber music – Solo |
1982 | “Sprīdītis” | Movie and theater music – Television animated film |
1982 | “Ugunssargs” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1982 | “Vēstījums” stīgām, sitaminstrumentiem un divām klavierēm | Orchestral music – Symphony orchestra |
1981 | “Ganu dziesma” | Vocal music – Women's choir |
1981 | “Ķekatu dziesma” | Vocal music – Women's choir |
1981 | “Rudens mūzika” quasi una sonata klavierēm | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
1981 | “Zīles ziņa” | Vocal music – Women's choir |
1980 | “Ainava ar putniem” flautai solo | Chamber music – Solo |
1980 | “Baltā ainava” ērģelēm | Keyboard instruments – Organ |
1980 | “Baltā ainava” klavierēm | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
1980 | “Mihails Tāls. Pēc 20 gadiem” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
1980 | Kantāte klavesīnam | Keyboard instruments – Harpsichord |
1979 | “Dzimtene” | Vocal music – Women's choir |
1979 | “Klusās dziesmas” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1979 | “Trīs skatieni” / ”Trīsvienība” ar instrumentu brīvu izvēli | Chamber music – Trio |
1979 | Cantabile stīginstrumentiem | Orchestral music – String orchestra |
1979 | Koncerts timpāniem un sitaminstrumentiem | Chamber music – Quartet |
1978 | “Eine kleine Nachtmusik” klavierēm | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
1978 | “Baltais fragments” | Vocal music – Men's choir |
1978 | “Grāmata” čellam solo | Chamber music – Solo |
1978 | “Kantāte sievietēm” | Vocal music – Choir and instruments |
1978 | “Sastrēgumstunda” | Orchestral music – Symphony orchestra |
1978 | “Sergejs Eizenšteins. Post scriptum” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
1978 | “Sergejs Eizenšteins. Priekšvārds” | Movie and theater music – Documentary |
1978 | “Skumjas” | Vocal music – Women's choir |
1978 | “Ūdensbrīnums” | Movie and theater music – Television animated film |
1978 | Concerto vocale | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1978 | Henriks Ibsens “Sirotāji Helgelandē” | Movie and theater music – Television production |
1977 | “Abi gali balti, viducis zaļš” | Movie and theater music – Television animated film |
1977 | “Mūsu māšu vārdi” | Vocal music – Men's choir |
1977 | “Mūzika aizlidojušajiem putniem” pūšaminstrumentu kvintetam | Chamber music – Quintet |
1977 | “Ne tikai lirika” | Vocal music – Women's choir |
1977 | In memoriam divām klavierēm | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
1977 | Moments musicaux klarnetei solo | Chamber music – Solo |
1977 | Pirmais stīgu kvartets | Chamber music – Quartet |
1977 | Tokāta divām klavierēm | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
1976 | “Madrigāls” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1976 | “Skudriņa Tipa” | Movie and theater music – Television animated film |
1976 | Cikls klavierēm | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
1976 | Mazs koncerts balsīm, diriģentam un komponistam | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1975 | “Liepa” | Vocal music – Women's choir |
1975 | “Māte Saule” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |
1975 | Kamermūzika flautai, obojai, klarnetei, fagotam un sitaminstrumentiem | Chamber music – Quintet |
1974 | Mūzika divām klavierēm | Keyboard instruments – Piano |
1974 | Partita čellam un klavierēm | Chamber music – Duet |
1973 | Trīs skaņdarbi klarnetei un klavierēm | Chamber music – Duet |
1972 | “Ārija un deja” flautai un klavierēm | Chamber music – Duet |
1967 | “Golgātas krusts” | Vocal music – Mixed choir a cappella |


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